SESSION OF THE RUSSIAN-CGerman SOCIAL FORUM IN BERLIN TAKEN PLACE BERLIN, 5 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Alexander Guljakowski /. in Berlin took place on Sunday the first session of the organizing committee of the social Russian-German forum. This social organization had been created on initiative of Russian president Vladimir Putin and the Federal Chancellor of Germany Gerhard Schroeder. Like Boris Gryslow, Russian director/conductor of the forum and chairman of the Dumafraktion " unit ", which to Berlin to the organizational session had come, explained, predestines the establishment of such a forum the inclusion of the public of the two countries into political, economic and cultural life, in science, education as well as discussion of questions of the mass media of Russia and Germany. He emphasized that such contacts will enable it to become acquainted with each other better problems to understand, which consist in the two countries to give and the executive force recommendations for the improvement of the Russian-German relations. Russian-German forum called one " Petersburger dialog ", because its first session, in which Vladimir Putin and Gerhard Schroeder will take part, sank during in April the which is approaching meeting of the prominent representatives of Russia and Germany in Petersburg will take place. Afterwards the next session of the " Petersburger of dialog " will take place in April 2002 in Weimar.