TELEPHONE CALL OF THE PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA WITH THE PRESIDENT OF MACEDONIA MOSCOW, 5 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. On 4 March in the evening a telephone call of the president of Russia Vladimir Putin with the president of Macedonia Boris Trajkovski had taken place. Like Alexej Gromow, press speaker of the Russian president, indicated, the president of Macedonia this discussion had started up. Boris Trajkovski expressed its deep concern around the development to the situation at the boundary with the Kosovo. Lately Albanian extremists in this space noticeably more actively, their actions after its estimate toward the Entstabilisierung of the situation in Macedonia are directed. Trajkovski expressed itself for additional efforts of the world community around the prevention of the voltage escalation in the Balkans. Vladimir Putin underlined for his part that one understands the grown activity of the Albanian extremists in the northwest of Macedonia as well as in the Presevo valley in the south of Serbia in Russia with the uneasiness, what brings new victims and with the breakup to the situation threatens. The president of Russia explained that our country will take all necessary measures in the context of the UN and other international organizations for the prevention of the escalation of the conflict and for the preservation of stability on the Balkan Peninsula.