WORLD BANK BECOMES RUSSIA CREDIT OVER 150 MILLION DOLLAR FOR FIGHT AGAINST AIDS GRANTING MOSCOW, 2 March (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Andrej Malossolow). The World Bank will grant to Russia in next time a credit over 150 million dollar for the implementation of a program of the fight against aids and Tuberkulose. That indicated of Russia vice-government boss Valentina Matwijenko on Friday after a meeting with director of World Bank Julian Schweitzer journalist in Moscow. " Russia is ready, advised over the termination of a program with the World Bank too, which would contribute Matwijenko to the creation of information technologies in Russian educational facilities ", said. For his part Schweitzer said that the World Bank wants in this year Russia altogether 500 million dollar to grant. " the means are intended for the implementation of different projects, among them in the area of the feed and the migration policy ", added it.