CHAIRMAN OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS OF THE PARLIAMENT LOCK POSSIBILITY OF THE ENTRY OF THE MOLDAU TO THE UNION OF RUSSIA AND WHITE RUSSIA NOT OUT MOSCOW, 2 March. / Pawel Schewzow, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. Gennadi Selesnjow, chairman of the Staatsduma - the House of Commons of the parliament, did not exclude the possibility that the Moldau will join the union of Russia and white Russia in the future. The avowed chairman of the House of Commons of the parliament on Friday on a press conference. The Moldau had sent, stressed its official observers of Chisinau and Tiraspol for the session of the parliamentary meeting of Russia and white Russia Selesnjow. Gennadi Selesnjow expressed the opinion that the probability of the affiliation of this republic became smaller Romania after the victory of the communist party of the Moldau with the parliamentary elections. The chairman of the Staatsduma holds also the point of view that the victory of the communists will promote the baldigste settlement of the Transnistrien conflict.