HELD IN CHECHNIAN SETTLEMENT DSHALKA TERRORIST GANG CHANKALA, 2 March. / Alexander Stepanow, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. in the Chechnian settlement Dshalka was held to Friday early a gang consisting of 13 terrorists. Like Alexander Sdanowitsch, speaker of the Foederalen of security agency, indicated, the holding operation ten minutes had all in all lasted, so that the bandits could not offer a resistance. According to available information even this gang was involved in a set of crimes on the railway and the motor road between Argun and Gudermes. They committed the last crime three days ago: With the bombardment of a UAS car an officer and two military member died was hurt. The extremists already stored over some crimes committed by them a confession. As they told, the leaders of the separatists had paid them for the breakup of an tank platoon 5,000 each dollar. The prices for putting explosives and the bombardment of motor vehicles were lower - from 1000 roubles to 100 dollar. The cash comes as well known from Saudi Arabia. For the moment the criminals are in the institute for remand of the department of the Ministry of Justice of Russia in Chankala.