HOUSEHOLD OF THE UNION STATE OF RUSSIA AND WHITE RUSSIA FOR 2001 ACKNOWLEDGES MOSCOW, 2 March. / Pawel Schewzow, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. the 17. Conference of the parliamentary meeting of the union state of Russia and white Russia acknowledged the household of the union state for 2002 at a value of 2,36 billion rouble as a whole. 1.52 billion rouble of it will amount to removals at the income items of Russia and 0.82 billion rouble removals at the income posts of white Russia. Gennadi Selesnjow, chairman of the Staatsduma of the RF, chairmen of the parliamentary meeting of the union of Russia and white Russia, indicated that the household of the Hoechstan, assumed by the parliamentary meeting, is to be acknowledged Council of State of the union of Russia and white Russia, on 2 April, that 5 to that. Anniversary of the establishment of the union state is held. Gennadi Selesnjow also indicated that the next conference of the parliamentary meeting of the union of Russia and white Russia in a Byelorussian city is most probably held in May. About place and time of its execution the Byelorussian page the words of Selesnjow will inform after later.