RUSSIA AND HUNGARY WORK ON AN AGREEMENT OVER MILITARY-TECHNICAL CO-OPERATION MOSCOW, 2 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Alexander Iwastschenko). Russia and Hungary can sign an agreement in April over military-technical co-operation. This question was discussed on Friday in Moscow at the session of the bilateral government commission3 over commercialeconomic and scientific-technologic co-operation. The Hungarian page affirmed its interest in the modernization of the Soviet and Russian war technique, which is introduced to the Hungarian army. The new agreement is to protect a progress with the solution of this question, said opposite a Russian negotiation user the RIA " Nowosti ". On session also determined that Russia executed the supply of special engineering, with which the debt of the ex USSR is cleared away opposite Hungary in this year in the previous year globally. Sometimes altogether Russia erased about 90 per cent of the Soviet debts opposite Hungary.