MOSCOW DOES NOT SEE ARGUMENTS, WHICH WOULD KNOW THE NMD PLANS OF THE USA JUSTIFYING MOSCOW, 2 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Pjotr Gontscharow /. Moscow does not see rocket dangers, which would justify mass the plans of the USA in possibly some for the creation of a national anti-missile defense system (NMD). A avowed highranking diplomatic source. Moscow means, stressed the source that the real causes for the plans of the USA are for NMD development in striving to peel off technologically and to finance the creation of the national anti-missile defense system at expense of the national means. Under other causes the source called to create a situation of strategic invulnerability there it, with which anti-missile defense screen secured, lead a rocket impact and could its invulnerability be safe, as well as a striving of the USA for the neutralization of the strategic potential of Russia and China striving the USA. According to opinion of the source all that would disturb the strategic situation in the world very seriously. The source emphasized that Moscow is ready to operate together on causes which call the USA reason for alterations at the ABM contract. We are the view that it is necessary, such problems such as rocket danger particularly with political to solve diplomatic and economic and not with military means underlined the highranking diplomatic source.