VLADIMIR PUTIN: THE VIET NAM ATTENDANCE EXCEEDED ALL EXPECTATIONS HANOI, 2 March. (RIA "Nowosti" special correspondent). With its short locking meeting with the vietnamesischen president tran Duc Luong on Friday before the departure from Hanoi said Vladimir Putin that its attendance in Viet Nam exceeded " all expectations ". The Russian head of state is particularly " impressed by the cordial receipt ", which him everywhere assign became. He regards this as " printout of the good adjustment of the vietnamesischen people to Russia ". The president called his meetings in Hanoi detailled and useful. He expressed the zuversicht that with his attendance signed extremely important documents further cooperating of the two countries are as the base put. Tran Duc Luong stated for his part that the vietnamesische people welcomed the Russian guest with sincere joy. Viet Nam and Russia are connected by traditional friendship and fraternity. Tran Duc Luong expressed also the zuversicht in the fact that the signatory Russian vietnamesische declaration over the strategic partnership, which meetings and discussions Vladimir will carry out PUT in with the vietnamesischen top representatives " a large contribution for the development of the bilateral relations ".