THE RUSSIAN GENERAL COUNTS IN THE SPRING ON INCREASING DRUG STREAM FROM AFGHANISTAN DUSCHANBE, 2 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Nashmidin Asisow). The drug stream by the tadshikisch Afghan boundary will increase in the spring, explained colonel general Konstantin Tozki, director of the Foederalen of border service (soot Abk.: FPS), on Friday after the meeting with the tadshikischen president Emomali Rachmonow. The Russian and tadshikischen border units as well as the legal protection organs of the republic seized more drugs than 1998-1999 in the previous year according to Tozki substantially. For situation in Afghanistan the FPS director noted that it is not necessary for the moment to strengthen the tadshikisch Afghan boundary additionally. " we estimate constantly the situation in this country and strive, the developments to anticipate ", said Tozki.