OF RUSSIA CENTRAL BANK KEEPS PRINCIPLES OF TRANSPARENCY IN YOUR WORK MOSCOW, 2 March (of RIA Nowosti Korr.) Russia was one of the first countries in the world, which left itself submitted to an examination in agreement with the international Transparenzkodex in the monetary policy. That indicated the first vice-chairman to the central bank of Russia, Tatjana Paramonowa, in a session of the Nikitski club - a social union of prominent experts of economic politics and scientists -. As Mrs. Paramonowa determined, the results of the made examination positive for Russia were published shortly. At present keep the central bank of Russia all principles of transparency in their work, said Tatjana Paramonowa. Daily publish the central bank on its Internet Site specification concerning the remainder means of the banks on its correspondence accounts, the range of the gold and currency reserves as well as the money supply were weekly communicated. " by far not all countries " make, stressed the same the vice-boss of the central bank of Russia.