RUSSIA MAKES NEW PAYMENT TO PARIS CLUB MOSCOW, 2 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. The Treasury of Russia assigned today the Vnesheconombank (bank for external trade) to transfer 32.246 to million dollar as payment with debts of the ex USSR opposite that Paris creditor club. That indicated one to the government intimate source of the RIA " Nowosti ". After its words this is after-power for February. The Vnesheconombank, the payment agent of the government with foreign debts is, these means today or on Monday to creditor countries will transfer. In March Russia will pay about 42 back million dollar debts of the ex USSR opposite that Paris club after the original time schedule. In March also half of the January payment is paid back to that Paris club, with which Russia was the in arrears. The overall height of the January payment had constituted, indicated 298 million dollar the source.