VLADIMIR PUTIN: STRENGTHENING COOPERATING WITH VIET NAM IS PRIORITY OF THE POLICY OF RUSSIA HANOI, 2 March (of RIA Nowosti Sonderkorrespondentin Marianna Schatichina). " Russia is interested in the fact that Viet Nam plays a dominating role in the asiatic-Pacific space " and that it becomes " an independent, strong and state friendly with us or remains ". Avowed Vladimir Putin on Friday with a traditional meeting of graduates of Soviet and Russian universities in Hanoi. As of Russia stressed president, strengthening cooperating with Viet Nam was a priority of the Russian foreign policy. Strengthening cooperating with Viet Nam is situated in the interest of both states in the asiatic-Pacific space, added it. Additionally Russia counts on it that " Viet Nam will contribute Vladimir Putin as a chairman of the constant ASEAN committee to successful cooperating of Russia with this union ", explained.