JAVIER SOLANA: EXTENSION OF THE EU BECOMES THE INCREASE OF THE MEANING OF THE RELATIONS WITH RUSSIA LEADING BRUSSELS; 2. March (of RIA Nowosti Korrespondetn Viktor Onutschko). The extension of the European union will lead to an increase of the meaning of the relations between the EU and Russia. That determined the Secretary-General of the European Union advice, Javier Solana, in Paris, where he held a large report in the French institute for international relations to the security politics under the conditions of the European Union extension. " our common boundary like also the common interests with the European Union extension will be larger ", meant Solana. It would be in the interest of the European union, Russia with strengthening the economy to support the democracy and the civilian society. " one must do everything to the fact that Russia cooperates with the education of a new, prospering political and economical space with the European union globally. " In his opinion " the question of the relations between Russia and the European states is one of the main items of the history of Europe ". Russia is closely connected with European history. Today insist the possibility of arranging fixed relations with Moscow on the basis of co-operation and not on the basis of an equilibrium of the military strength or the blocks. " The European union is already the largest trade partner of Russia, stressed the Secretary-General of the European Union advice. The list of the areas, within which the EU should develop close co-operation further with Russia, is large: Environmental problems, nichtweiterverbreitung of massenvernichtungswaffen, regional crises, migration of the population, among other things organized criminality.