VLADIMIR PUTIN MET WITH SECRETARY-CGeneral OF THE KP VIET NAM HANOI, 2 March (of RIA Nowosti Sonderkorrespondentin Marianna Schatichina). Of Russia president Vladimir Putin in the building of the ZK of the kp Viet Nam with the Secretary-General of the kp, Le Kha Phieu met. With the greetings of the guest the Secretary-General asked the Russian head of state for its impressions of Viet Nam. As Vladimir Putin explained, " the extremely cordial and genuinly friendly receipt had exceeded all our expectations ". Additionally in Hanoi " extremely material and concrete negotiations would have taken place ". To planned meeting Vladimir PUT in with graduates Soviet and Russian universities said Le Kha Phieu, it would have so many given, which with Russian presidents to meet wanted that the palace, in which this meeting was to take place was not able to take up all. Of Russia state boss stressed, which feels the Russian delegation everywhere the large attention of the vietnamesischen people for this attendance.