RUSSIA FOR ACTIVATION OF THE ACTIVITY THAT GENEVA DISARMAMENT CONFERENCE MOSCOW, 1 March (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Alexander Smotrow). Russia occurs Geneva disarmament conference for the further activation of the activity that. From the Russian State Department it was reported on Thursday that Moscow took the recent speech of the Permanent Representative of the VR China in the conference under the magnifying glass. Moscow divides the concern of Peking over it that a real progress in the nuclear disarmament is missing, it was said. The Russian external office supports most states in their concern over plans of the USA to set up a system of the national anti-missile defense (NMD) or a global ABM system and to use space for these purposes. " Russia pleads to Geneva conference for the prevention of the arms race in space for the resumption of an intensive and result-rich work of the special committee that. Russia at the same time refers a further mark to the necessity to receive and strengthen the ABM contract from 1972 on, which is as cornerstone of strategic stability, which was also recognized by the USA in the passed year. The present Treaty permits it to further diminish and receive the contract-legal system within the area of the nichtweiterverbreitung from nuclear weapons and carrier means in addition the strategic offensive weapons ", stresses the external office.