STATE DEPARTMENT OF THE RF OVER SPREADING ALBANIAN EXTREMISM FROM KOSOVO MOSCOW, 1 March. / Jelena Gluschakowa, correspondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. Russia holds the point of view that the spreading of the Albanian extremism from the Kosovo takes place into other areas of Serbia, today also on the territory of Macedonia, after an extremely causing concern scenario. How it means in the message of the State Department of the RF, which was received in the RIA " Nowosti " on Thursday, in Moscow the opinion is held over the necessity, " all means, above all however the possibilities of the UNO security council of beginning for the prevention of such a development which saves a Entstabilisierung in the Balkans region in itself ". In the UNO Sicherheitrat the aggravating situation at the Kosovo paragraph of the Macedonian-Yugoslav boundary pursues itself attentively, into which next days the UNO secretariat will inform the advice about the development in this region, is called it in the message of the State Department. The UNO Secretary-General expressed for his part serious concern over the appearances of the force into areas of Macedonia bordering on the SRJ, which had led to the escape of the civilian population from there.