TURKMENIENS PRESIDENT NIJASOW MET WITH IRANIAN MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS CHARASI ASCHCHABAD, 1 March (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Viktor Panow). The president Turkmeniens, Saparmurat Nijasow, and the Iranian minister of foreign affairs Kamal Kharrazi, met on Thursday to a conversation. Kharrazi is to an attendance in the turkmenischen capital. Was discussed a far set of questions, which concern the bilateral relations. On the agenda were also some problems, which are discussed during the forthcoming attendance of the Iranian president Sayed Mohammad Khatami in Aschchabad. Among other things the oil and natural gas industry concerns and the planned termination of an agreement over the export of turkmenischen gas to Iran in this year and in the perspective around perspectives of co-operation in. It is not impossible the fact that the two heads of state will bring questions during their meeting to the language which via Turkmenien to Iran like also the participation of Iranian societies in the building of a terminal for the envelope of liquefied gas in the port of Turkmenbaschi (once Krasnowodsk) at the Kaspi sea concerns the building of a pipeline from Kazakhstan. Nijasow and Kharrazi referred to a great importance for this April of the planned meeting of the heads of state of the five neighbor countries of the Kaspi sea, on which the international-law status of waters was to be determined.