SPACE STATION " ME " IS SUNK PROSPECTIVE ON 10 MARCH KOROLJOW / area Moscow /, 1 March. / Eduard Pusyrjow, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. the Russian space station " me " is presumably sunk on 10 March. That was indicated in the flight guidance center on Thursday opposite the RIA " Nowosti " with reference to provisional calculations. In order to begin directly with sinking, it is necessary to lower the orbit of the station to 250 km explained one in the flight guidance center. Today the station circles " to me " at a value of 267 km around the earth. As was stressed in the flight guidance center, functioning the systems of the station is checked approximately around the clock. The central on board computer functioned in the operating regime and receives the temperature of the space station within the boundaries from 22 to 24 degrees Celsius, the modules of the station is close. On Friday the 130 tons become heavy station the 86000. Orbit around the earth complete. As was determined in the flight guidance center, that is the absolute record of the orbit around the earth by a space object created by human hand. The station " me " is already since 15 years and 10 days in the orbit.