GENERAL ROMANOW WAS PUNISHED FOR HIS STATEMENTS MOSCOW, 1 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). Lieutenant general Wjatscheslaw Romanow, boss of the national center for reduction of the nuclear danger, was punished for his remarks over the fact that Russia - if the USA its national anti-missile defense system (NMD) unfold - when counter measure can introduce its rockets of middle and shorter range. This avowed today Secretary of Defense of Russia Igor Sergejew, announces the RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent. He disproved categorically the remarks of the general Romanow, which omits itself " over the possibility of the measures, which are situated outside of its competence and his office ". According to the marshal the measures, which Romanow called, are not planned " ". " these measures set political decision ahead ", said Sergejew. The marshal did not concretize the measure regulation opposite the general Romanow.