THE NUMBER OF THE DRUG OFFENSES IN RUSSIA INCREASED YIELDED MOSCOW, 1 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). The number of the crimes in connection with the drugs increased in Russia in the passed five years more than 2,5fach. This avowed today on a Briefing Oleg Charitschkin, boss of the center for between-official cooperating with the prevention of the unlegitimen drug trade at the ministry of the Interior of Russia. In the previous year in the country 57,720 cases of drug trade were determined. Those are 40 per cent more opposite 1999. Large posts drug from the centralasiatic region were seized. A post of altogether 113 kg heroin was stopped in the area Chelyabinsk. 60 kg were seized in the area Tjumen. 244,000 crimes were prevented in connection with the illegal drug trade. Criminally about 135,000 persons were sued. The legal protection organs of Russia create make contacts with 70 foreign structures within this area, said Charitschkin. The attention applies here above all to cooperating in the context of the GUS and the memorandum over agreement and co-operation with the check of the gesetwidrigen drug trade in central Asia.