RESULTS OF THE ACTIVITY OF THE MILIZ IN CHECHNYA IN FEBRUARY MOSCOW, 1 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). The coworkers of the ministry of the Interior of the RF have 252 persons on suspicion in February in Chechnya to be members of unlegitimer armed formations arrested. Four of it were already on the foederalen search list. Others are checked. Besides in the passed month in the Chechnian republic 351 small refineries were destroyed. Were discovered and seized more than 2,500 kg stolen non-ferrous metal. According to the Ministry from the unlegitimen circulation in the republic 120 tank cans, 3 rifles, 67 pieces of smooth run weapons, 3 artillery cannons, about 93,000 pieces of ammunition were drawn in. 105 explosive charges were defused. 804 projectiles, more than 2,000 shells, were seized 505 kg explosive, 143 explosive devices and 58 kg different drugs.