ACTIVATION OF MILITARY-TECHNICAL CO-OPERATION BETWEEN RUSSIA AND VIET NAM HANOI, 1 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). Vladimir Putin assigned the government additionally to complete questions of the activation of Russian vietnamesischen military-technical co-operation. This avowed Sergej Prichodko, deputy director/conductor of the Kremlin administration. Viet Nam showed lively interest according to Prichodko in this regard, announces the RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent. The problems of bilateral military-technical co-operation took according to the Kremlin speaker a large space on the agenda of the negotiations of the presidents of Russia and Viet Nam. This co-operation wise so far a modest scope up and was expressed in the year 2000 in some twenty millions USD. The deputy director/conductor of the Kremlin administration referred to the fact that the war technique originates to a majority from the Soviet Union and is modernization needy. A real prospect of co-operation is the preparation of vietnamesischer specialists in the military and civilian area in Russia. The Kremlin speaker stressed that Viet Nam showed lively interest in this area. The president assigned the government to complete the questions in connection with the solution of this problem.