WITH THE " ROCKET SCREEN " HURTING THE USA THE FORCE EQUILIBRIUM MOSCOW, 1 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Pjotr Gontscharow). Andrej Nikolajew, chairman of the Duma committee for defense (Staatsduma is House of Commons of the Russian parliament), is convinced that the conversion of the US plan to structure a national anti-missile defense system (NMD) the agreements over the reduction of the strategic offensive weapons " down and above " up-soft. The USA strive, the ABM contract of 1972 from the system of the obtained START agreements out course songs to stretch on one side a " rocket screen " and offend thus against the basic principle of the existing power survey, which reads: " the two pages are not protected from the rocket impacts. " At the same time the USA revise the reduction boundary of the strategic nuclear warheads on one side according to the chairman of the Duma committee and determine them with 2.500 pieces, while Russia requires to remain with the beforehand co-ordinated 1,500 pieces. This methodology will on the other hand inevitably substantially shift the existing equilibrium between Russia on the one hand and the USA and NATO. The delegate stressed that to the remaining 2,500 nuclear warheads of the USA also the nuclear warheads of France and Great Britain at the tactical rockets are to be added, which can achieve the territory of Russia.