BETWEEN RUSSIA AND VIET NAM STILL ANOTHER SET OF DOCUMENTS IS SIGNED HANOI, 1 March. / RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Marianna Schatichina /. in the next time is signed between Russia and Viet Nam beside today's six government and inter+ministerial agreements still another set of documents. That indicated the vice-prime minister of the RF and chairman Viktor Christenko to the common Russian vietnamesischen government commission3. That agreements in the area of the atomic energy economy, agreement over available workers and agreement, who concern the Russian participation in the development and use of the vietnamesischen Satellitensysetms " VINASAT ", become. The Russian corporation gas PROM signed recently an agreement over investigation and development of a gas occurrence at the shelf in south Viet Nam. The prospective investment scope of this project constitutes about 40 million dollar. Another community project is the oil-processing factory " Vietros ", whose capital stock 800 amounts to million dollar. The participation of the Russian and the vietnamesischen page on the parity basis is planned. Russia agrees also to credit this projects additionally at a value of 100 million dollar.