GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA OVER ADDITIONAL BUDGET RECEIPTS MOSCOW, 1 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. The government of Russia plans to mobilize additional budget receipts in the year 2001 195 billion rouble (about 7 billion dollar). That divided today act IANA Golikowa, deputy financial minister, on the Briefing after the results of the government session. After its words the problem of the mobilization of additional incomes is particularly current instead of that scope in the year 2001, which is determined in the base law over the household. Two weeks ago ago the Staatsduma (House of Commons of the parliament of the RF) checked the law over alterations at the law household over foederalen for the year 2001 in connection with the necessity for the payment of the foreign debts and the " being omitted external sources for the financing of the household deficit ". The Treasury of the RF prognosticated at that time additional budget receipts at a value of 108 billion roubles. That is that prognosis, which plans to protect the government in this year, stressed the deputy minister. But after the discussion of the household parameters in the Staatsduma turns out the situation in such a way that for the implementation of the kostenpositionen, which are intended in the base law over household (1.193 trillion rouble), the government additional incomes to an extent not of 108 billion roubles, but of 195 billion roubles will have to mobilize.