QUESTION OVER DEBTS OF VIET NAM OPPOSITE RUSSIA DURING BILATERAL NEGOTIATIONS NOT BEGUN TO CUT HANOI, 1 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. The question of the debts of Viet Nam opposite Russia had not been discussed during the Russian vietnamesischen negotiations. That indicated the vice-prime minister of Russia and chairman Viktor Christenko to the bilateral Russian vietnamesischen commission. He explained with the fact that all questions are solve in this regard: An agreement over regulation of the debts stepped not only signatoryly, but also in strength. Christenko stressed that the problem of the vietnamesischen indebtedness is regulated mainly on the basis of the principles Paris clubs. According to this pattern the annual payments of Viet Nam at Russia constitute approximately 100 million dollar. Additionally the agreement designates the possibility for the repayment of a section of the vietnamesischen debts by the supplies from goods to Russia, the reinvestment into common economic projects in Viet Nam as well as a conto the payment of the formation of vietnamesischer specialists in Russia. Viktor Christenko indicated that the debts of Viet Nam amount to opposite Russia 1.5 billion dollar at present.