POSITION OF THE USA ADMINISTRATION FOR THE ARREST OF THE USA CITIZEN JOHN IS IN RUSSIA WASHINGTON, 1 March (of RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent Arkadi Orlow). The USA administration wants to clarify " exact circumstances " of the arrest of the USA citizen John is in Woronesch and maintenance for this purpose contacts with Russian official personalities and the lawyer of the arresting. That indicated the official speaker of the USA Aussenamtes on Wednesday before journalists in Washington. After its words maintenance the USA message in Moscow of contacts with the Russian page. One the coworker of the message has already is visited. The speaker expressed the opinion that Tobbins arrest in Russia with the arrest of the struggle-high GBI coworker Robert Hanssen did not have anything in the passed week in the USA " to do ", because rave in arrest in Woronesch would have taken place " some weeks before " the arrest Hanssens. As " absurdly " it evaluated the acceptance, in the case is could it a " connection with Hanssen and Edmond Pope give ".