BOSS OF RUSSIAN AIR LANDING TROOPS TO THE PLACE OF RESIDENCE OF CHECHNIAN SEPARATISTENFUEHRER PSKOW, 1 March (of RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent Alexander Konowalow). The Chechnian Separatistenfuehrer Aslan Maschadow, Schamil Bassajew and Chattab is in the Tschetschenen republic, Rusland Gelajew is in Georgien and Scherwani Bassajew can in Turkey medically be treated. That indicated colonel general Georgi Schpak, boss of the air landing troops of Russia, on Thursday before journalists. As general Schpak determined, the leaders of the Guerillas constantly changed their place of residence. Everyone of them is protected reliably from 200 to 300 men. Beyond that the Separatistenfuehrer has good information for current situation, therefore they can Schpak be gotten, with difficulty so. " we undertake the necessary measures nevertheless, in order to seize the bandit leaders, and I hope that these steps will be successful ", added the general.