CURRENCY RESERVES OF THE CENTRAL BANK OF RUSSIA 2000 CONSIDERABLY RISEN MOSCOW, 1 March (of RIA Nowosti correspondent Alla Issajewa). Of Russia central bank by 16 billion US Dollar increased its currency reserves in the course of the yearly 2000. After the status from 1 January 2001 these amounted to 28 billion US Dollar. That is the highest status in all the reform years, is called it in the documents of the office for government information, which were prepared to a session of the Minister cabinet, in which the Ergebnise of the socialeconomic development of the country in the past year is analysed and functions within the area of the economic policy in this year discussed. The major task of the central bank for 2001 exists further in a prevention of radical fluctuations of the foreign exchange rate in Russia and the maintenance of the necessary level of the gold and foreign exchange reserves, it was said.