RUSSIA UDN VIET NAM IN THE SAFETY AREA CO-OPERATION HANOI, 1 March (of RIA Nowosti Sonderkorrespondentin Marianna Schatichina). Russia and Viet Nam are fixed decided, in fight against international terrorism, which separatism, which religious extremism and the transnational criminality, which the security sovereigns of the states, the peace and stability seriously endanger, both on bi - to cooperate, and on multilateral basis. That comes out from an assertion over the strategic partnership, which the presidents of Russia and Viet Nam, Vladimir Putin and tran Duc Luong, on Thursday in Hanoi to have signed. Therein Moscow and Hanoi affirmed the topicality of the problem of international security in the information area, how had been fixed in on 20 November 2000 the assumed resolution 55/28 of the UNO plenary assembly.