VLADIMIR PUTIN CONGRATULATED TO THE COLLECTIVE OF " VIETPETRO " MOSCOW, 1 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. The president of Russia Vladimir Putin addressed a greeting message to the collective of the joint undertaking for erdoelverarbeitung " Vietpetro " on the occasion of the 20jaehrigen of anniversary of its establishment. In the greeting message it means among other things: " the activity of ' Vietpetro ' is an example of effective mutually favourable co-operation between Russia and Viet Nam in one of the most important restaurant directions. It is important that this partner shank does not only bring serious financial dividends, but also for strengthening the mutual communication and the confidence between our peoples contributes. " " today the effectiveness of your activity " hangs, in the message of the president is stressed, " in many respects from being able to be competitive and orient themselves adeptly on the world markets. " The president of Russia expressed the zuversicht that the managers, engineers and worker of the enterprise also in the future high produktionsergebnisse obtain and in the interest of both countries in 21. Century will successfully operate.