NEGOTIATIONS OF THE PRESIDENTS OF VIET NAM AND RUSSIA IN CLOSE COMPOSITION IN HANOI TAKEN PLACE HANOI, 1 March. / the presidents of Russia and Viet Nam, Vladimir Putin and tran Duc Luong, the negotiations executed RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Marianna Schatichina /. in the president palace in Hanoi in close composition. Before the negotiations the official ceremony of the greetings of the Russian head of state had taken place. A result of the today's negotiations getting the Russian vietnamesischen relations going in all directions must become, explained Vladimir Putin. The president of Russia emphasized that the Russian people had always behaved to the Vietnamesen as to a friendly brother people and from his courage was entzueckt. Tran Duc Luong lent for his part with the greetings of the high Russian guest of the zuversicht printout that the attendance of the president of Russia will lend " a new impulse to the development of Russian vietnamesischen co-operation ".