BILATERAL RUSSIAN RUSSISCH-VIETNAMESI DOCUMENTS IN HANOI SIGNS HANOI, 1 March (of RIA Nowosti Sonderkorrespondentin Marianna Schatichina). Two government contracts were signed on Thursday in presence of the presidents of Russia and Viet Nam, Vladimir Putin and tran Duc Luong, in Hanoi. The oil and gas production on the continental shelf of south Viet Nam concerns themselves in the context of the common Russian vietnamesischen enterprise Vietsovpetro like also around a government log over the stocktaking the contract-legal base and the validity of the bilateral contracts in the relations between the Russian federation and the rudders Viet Nam around a log to the agreement between the governments of the USSR and the rudders Viet Nam of 1991 over further co-operation in the area of the geological investigation work as well as. Beyond that in presence of the presidents an agreement over co-operation between the Vneshtorgbank Russia and the Vietcombank were marked and a memorandum over the agreement between these like also a memorandum over the agreement between the Katstrophenschutzministerium Russia and the national committee of Viet Nam for rescue internal messages. Furthermore two agreements between the national Komtiee for standards of Russia and the Ministry of Research of Viet Nam were closed over co-operation on the area of the standardisation, the metrology and certifying.