RUSSIA AND VIET NAM FOR WORLD ORDER ON BASIS OF JUSTICE AND EQUAL RIGHTS HANOI, 1 March (of RIA Nowosti Sonderkorrespondentin Marianna Schatichina). Russia and Viet Nam use themselves in the international arena for strengthening the positive tendencies in the global development and for the emergence of a world order on the basis of justice and equal rights between the states. That comes out from an assertion over the strategic partnership between Russia and Viet Nam, which was signed on Thursday by the presidents of both countries, Vladimir Putin and tran Duc Luong, in Hanoi. How it means in the document, the pages expressed themselves decided against any forms of the printing practice on sovereigns states and against the interference in their internal affair as well as the attempts, the conceptions condemned like " humanitarian intervention " and " limited sovereignty " to the " justification of act of violence ions of individual pages or groups, in flagrante way offended against the main principles of the UNO Charter and international law ".