ISRAEL PLANS "ELECTROINIC FENCES" BETWEEN ITSELF AND PALESTINIANS TEL AVIV, March 6. /RIA Novosti correspondent Andrei Pravov/. Israel has launched a project "to divide the two nations". Conceptualised by ex-premier Ehud Barak, the project provides for a network of technologically advanced fences along the border with the Palestinian authority. The assumption is that the fences will be fitted out with electronic surveillance devices. Besides, it is planned to erect additional watch-towers. Although the beginning of the project has already been announced, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has not yet spoken officially on this question. Nevertheless, observers believe that with terrorist acts continuing unabated construction of such a system may be justified. But, according to many estimates, residents of the Palestinian authority will most likely cross into Israel "despite everything", because, apart from all else, jobs in Israel are for most of them the only chance to earn a livelihood.