FPS CHIEF ARRIVES IN TAJIK CAPITAL DUSHANBE, MARCH 1. /RIA Novosti's correspondent Najmidin Azizov/ -- So far, the setup on the Tajik-Afghan border does not require additional inflow of reserves, Colonel General Konstantin Totski, director of the Russian Frontier Service /FPS/, said on arriving in Dushanbe on Thursday. "Today Russian borderguards are struggling against illicit drugs only and are coping with their task", said the general. In case the situation on the Tajik-Afghan border worsens, FPS reserves will be pulled in, as well as units of the 21st motor rifle division and border guards from the state border protection committee at the government of Tajikistan, said Konstantin Totski. His meeting with Tajik President Emomali Rakhmonov is due to take place on the morning of March 2.